“In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.” Ephesian 5:28
Husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with youof the grace of life. 1 Peter 3:7

I can tell you a lot of things about my wife that I know, and I also can't tell you a lot of things about my wife that I should know. But from the above verses, I can tell you she would probably have no qualms about the first one except that it seems like a pipe dream, but the second one would make her claws come out. Peter always was the idiot I suppose, saying stupid crap to the point Jesus called him Satan; cutting people's ears off, and calling women weaker vessels? Seems like for a husband to be "understanding" he'd better not call his wife a weaker vessel. I know from experiential fact that my wife is smarter and tougher than me, laboring for 22 hours (including 2.5 hours of pushing) with my son, with not. even. one. Tylenol...and my daughter practically ripping her way out into the world. How about this, she tried pulling the stitches out of her jaw while still sitting in the dentist chair after getting her wisdom teeth cut out. I've learned as a pro complainer to try and keep any of my ailments from her knowledge, because she has an unreal pain threshold, and I can't afford to be a wimp. BUT, sometimes I accidentally will bump her in bed...sometimes it is a pretty hard hit like an elbow to the neck when rolling over (I tend to flop), but for the most part very mild compared to the pain I've seen her handle, and you'd think I'd intentionally punched her in the nose. She becomes offended and hurt. Baffling? I like to pretend I'm baffled and that I'm the victim, being attacked for nothing. But...Reality.
Reality is that the Bible is 100 % true and helpful (2 Tim 3:16) and the boneheaded Peter, lets men on a not-so-secret secret about women. When he calls them the "weaker" vessel, he is in no way suggesting that women are lesser in ANY way than men. So, retract the claws, please, at least in one hand and let me unpack this.
Weaker vessel is a reference to porcelain, that women are like porcelain, known for its considerable strength and hardness as well as its elasticity, glassiness, brittleness, translucence, beauty, and resonance. I could elaborate on all of these attributes in women in a week's worth of posts. The take-away point for husbands is to watch what comes out of your mouth towards them, watch how you touch them, watch how you handle them. They are not to be handled verbally or physically rough. Like porcelain. I think this plays out physically in not being a dope and accidentally breaking her bones when you flop over in bed, and by ferociously making time for just her with no other agenda but to enjoy her and do the things that make her know you love her...and I think this plays out spiritually by living and breathing the truths of the Bible consistently with relentless love, patience, clarity, gentleness, and tenderness. Men are called to be nail-pierced servants to their wives.
Oh how I need the grace of Jesus to fill in my miserable, continual failures at this. Sometimes irony is a disguise for His Grace: my wife made a mixed CD once with songs that would remind me of her feelings and needs, and this song was on it:
"I Bruise Easily" by Natasha Bedingfield
My skin is like a map
Of where my heart has been
And I cant hide the marks
Its not a negative thing
So I let down my guard
Drop my defenses down by my clothes
I'm learning to fall
With no safety net to cushion the blow
I bruise easily
So be gentle when you handle me
There's a mark you leave
Like a love heart carved on a tree
I bruise easily
Can't scratch the surface
Without moving me underneath
I bruise easily
I bruise easily
I found your fingerprints
On a glass of wine
Do you know you're leaving them
All over this heart of mine too
But if I never take this leap of faith
I'll never know
So I'm learning to fall
With no safety net to cushion the blow
Anyone who can touch you
Can hurt you or heal you
Anyone who can reach you
Can love you or leave you
So be gentle... I bruise easily