According to the CIA Factbook, on February 21, 1986 I had roughly 28,542 more days to live. Today, that leaves me with roughly 19,510 days. I recently heard a question posed like this: "Are you simply finding ways to pass the time or are you doing things to spend the time?" Even more cool, Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Do you know what Paul was doing when he wrote the letter to the Ephesians? He was probably salivating over rats that were nibbling on his toes...and wondering how pretty the big guy in the corner really thought he was...doing some sort of ancient Pilates to prevent atrophy...all as he sat...in...a...Roman...prison. What else can you do in a prison but pass the time? But Paul recognized that once in Jesus everything He did was intended as good works...and so He also penned the inspired Word of God. I am at a point in my life right now kinda of waiting for the real where and what God has for me. Now though I realize that even mundane wax-on-wax off type of activities and driving the same 800 miles a week and eating at the same meals at the same table at the same restaurants every week are all intended before the world was even spoken into existence as good works in Jesus. Laugh hard, and cry hard. And know its all from the love and mercy of Jesus. Steal the rush from the hands of time. So, Are you simply finding ways to pass the time or are you doing things to spend the time?
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