How Could You Say No To This Face?
Growing up I always had pets. Some of my earliest photos are of me laying around with our family Collie. Then we raised Dachshunds for a while of which one was my very own who was named Tinkerbell, and I called her Tink. (Apparently Tinkerbell is the floozy of Disney Princess types.)
Then I got an orange cat named Jinx who was declawed but would still attack dogs, raccoons, opossums, and whatever else tried to stare him down. He was a beast, and I loved him. As a teenager I got a German Shepherd. I also had an African Pygmy Hedgehog...oh and a hand full of gold fish that I managed to kill within days, actually on more than one occasion. My wife and I have an estranged cat right now...Sounds funny but he is currently residing at my in-laws home...we have a love/hate relationship...I could go on for an entire post about this cat...he is the most attention hungry animal I've ever seen with such idiosyncrasies such as his midnight demonic possessions and his determination to chew and swallow random items (milk jug rings, ponytail bands, balloon strings, money, etc.) and then vomit them up. (These are elements of our hate relationship).

From all my pet experiences, I've learned that I really do love most all animals...they are cute and entertaining and fun. Conversely, I've also noticed that they seem to be an outlet for my compulsive nature. I am intrigued at the idea of a animal friend but quickly become bored and annoyed with the responsibility of cleaning up after them. And they make things smelly and dirty. My newest obsession is with the Fennec Fox, native of the Sahara Desert. They are one of the only species of fox that can be legally domesticated. I think these things are stupid cute and I want one. Fortunately, God's providence helps me in my weakness as these cute little critters are exotic and thus carry and exotic price tag to the tune of $1000+ bones.
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