I have become an avid blog reader in the past six months. You can see my daily run through on the right of my blog...my wife has set up Google Reader for me which is supposedly more efficient for the blog reader...and I don't use it...so I guess I'm just antiquated. So moving on, I read a statement on a blog by one of my favorite preachers that said: "I am a fan of Christ in "so and so." Now that is a perspective change that I desire. Romans 1:25 reads, "they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator." My tendency is to obsess over ("worship") people, concepts, experiences, food, feelings, cravings, toys, and on and on...as if I could ever be satisfied in any of those things. The Bible calls this idolatry. So let's chat about creation. Creation is everything but the Trinity (Father, Son, and Spirit). To clarify even further, whatever you think or feel, see or hear, taste or smell, and touch, that is creation. Creation does not exist to end in itself but to point us to Jesus. ALL of creation points to Jesus. I want to be a fan of Christ in the creation that I enjoy...a fan of Christ in my bride...a fan of Christ in my Wild Man and Princess Poo...a fan of Christ in Chipotle...a fan of Christ in new friendships...a fan of Christ in my favorite preachers...a fan of Christ in watching Longhorns football...I also want to be a fan of Christ in the creation that presses me, that hurts me...a fan of Christ in tight bills...a fan of Christ in my perpetually defiant children...a fan of Christ in the lactic acid when I workout...a fan of Christ in feeling lonely or embarrassed. One of the Apostle Paul's favorite phrases in his epistles is "In Him." In the next few blogs I'm going to explore some implications of what it means to be in Him. The first thing is that ALL of creation finds it's significance in Him.
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